Fry Orthodontics Blog

Dr. Jeremy's Blog

Welcome to the Fry Orthodontics blog, where we answer your questions and provide information about orthodontics and oral health.

If you have a question about braces or Invisalign, search our current blogs or contact us.

Will I Have To Wear Braces Twice?

This is a frequently asked question at Fry Orthodontics! You may have known someone who wore braces twice, once as a younger child and again as a teen. If you’ve been wondering about the orthodontics timeline, here is some helpful information. Initial Evaluation at Age 7 The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see […]

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Modern Braces

Orthodontic braces weren’t invented until the early 1800’s, but people have been trying to artificially straighten teeth for a much longer time. Several mummified remains around Egypt show evidence of the earliest kind of “braces”: catgut cords wrapped around and along teeth, much like modern orthodontic wire is used today. Even pharaohs wanted to improve […]

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Nutrition & Oral Health

Eating a well-balanced diet is an important part of healthy living and is crucial for maintaining your oral health and preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Here are some tips for making nutritious choices for a healthy smile. Helpful, Healthy Minerals The first line of defense for your teeth against tooth decay and cavities is […]

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Does Having Invisalign Mean I Need to Watch What I Eat?

Have you been tossing around the idea of getting Invisalign treatment, but are afraid you will have to watch what you eat? You will be excited to know that you do not have to restrict what you eat or drink if you have Invisalign. The aligners are designed to be removed each time you eat or […]

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Give em’ the FRY Pickle – Inspired by Bob Farrell

One of our main goals at Fry Orthodontics is making sure our team members provide exceptional customer service to each and every one of our patients. We based our business not on providing braces, but rather serving our communities. We do this by creating beautiful smiles that allow our patients to have confident smiles at […]

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