Fry Orthodontics Blog

Dr. Jeremy's Blog

Welcome to the Fry Orthodontics blog, where we answer your questions and provide information about orthodontics and oral health.

If you have a question about braces or Invisalign, search our current blogs or contact us.

When Do Children Lose Their Baby Teeth?

At what age should the first baby tooth be lost? When should the last one fall out? Is there a predictable order? The first baby teeth (also known as primary teeth) to come in are usually the lower central incisors around the age of six months. The last baby teeth to show up are the […]

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Fry Makes Braces More Affordable

As your child approaches adolescence, you might worry you won’t be able to afford the cost of braces or Invisalign. Many adults put off getting treatment for their children or themselves due to the cost. Here are a few ways Fry Orthodontics make braces and Invisalign more comfortable and affordable for your family! Free Exam […]

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Living is Giving

Check us out at our staff meeting! This meeting was a very special one for all of us and was extremely motivational. Big thanks to Dr. Jeremy for being such an inspiration! “What does it mean to be living?” This is the question Dr. Jeremy asked us in our last meeting. His question came from a […]

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How To Have a Spotless Smile

What Are White Spots? “White spots” are one of the most common problems associated with wearing braces, but they are not actually caused by the braces themselves. White spots are decalcification or demineralization of the tooth and are caused by the acid-producing bacteria found in plaque. These areas of decalcification can develop into cavities. White […]

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Who Would Have Thought?

Here are a few fun facts about teeth that I bet you didn’t know.  According to the American Academy of Periodontology, 50% of respondents surveyed said that a smile is the first feature they notice about another person. U.S. consumers buy 14 million gallons of toothpaste each year! Most adults have 32 teeth. Though minuscule in […]

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