Fry Orthodontics Blog

Dr. Jeremy's Blog

Welcome to the Fry Orthodontics blog, where we answer your questions and provide information about orthodontics and oral health.

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Fry Men 2 Weeks In

Two weeks down and the beards are coming in nicely! We are very proud of our doctors for sticking it out through the itchiness. They are supporting such an awesome cause! Help support our doctors by sharing our blog posts! Every time you share our posts, Fry Orthodontics will donate a $1 to the No […]

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Bearded Crafts with Fry Orthodontics

Not only has Fry Orthodontics been beard crazy this November, but we have also been getting our hands dirty in some arts and crafts. Recently our new team values were presented with a challenge of getting crafty and expressing our values with paint on a canvas. While getting our creative juices flowing, it has brought this […]

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Fry Orthodontics First Week’s Donation

After the first week of our No Shave November event, Fry Orthodontics has donated a total of $370 to the No Shave November Foundation. We would like to give a shout out to all of  those who participated by sharing, commenting, and posting on our Blog and Facebook last week! We loved seeing all your awesome pictures! […]

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5 Fun Things You Might Not Know About Beards And Mustaches

Beards make life worth living. Wait, that’s not how that saying goes! But we have some fun facts you might know are true … but only if you are a card-carrying fabulous bearded man: Growing a beard increases your respect. “Both women and men thought bearded men—over six weeks of growth, with no trimming—looked older […]

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Fry Ortho Men, A Successful Start

The men of Fry Orthodontics are off to a great start! It’s amazing what happens after a week without shaving. Who will have the best looking beard at the end of the month?! Look for new pictures of our doctors every Friday!!  Keep up the great work guys! Update us on the progress you have made so […]

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