Our Doctors are very dedicated to this years No Shave November. They are growing beards like champs! A big thank you to each of them for supporting such a great cause and sticking it out until the end. Check out their “selfies” and see how their beards are coming along!
As you may know, this week is the last week of No Shave November! So far, Fry Orthodontics has donated a total of $1,146 to the No Shave November Foundation. We need the help of our readers, patients, friends, and family to help us reach $2,000 by the end of the week! We can do it!
Here is how you can help donate $1:
- Share our Blog and Facebook posts
- Comment on our Blog or Facebook posts
- Upload a photo on our Fry No Shave November Gallery
- Post a photo on our Facebook page
So get out there and start sharing and posting your photos!