Fry Orthodontics Blog

Dr. Jeremy's Blog

Welcome to the Fry Orthodontics blog, where we answer your questions and provide information about orthodontics and oral health.

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Are gap teeth a current fashion trend?

The fashion industry is bored with perfection. Recently the most sought after models are gracing runways with off-beat looks, like tattoos, piercings, and gap teeth. Australian supermodel Jessica Hart (Victoria’s Secret) despised wearing an insert to disguise her gap teeth on modeling jobs. Now she gets more bookings with her natural smile. Mick Jagger’s daughter; […]

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Why choose an Orthodontic Specialist?

Orthodontics is one of the oldest specialty fields in dentistry. An orthodontic specialist completes three or four years of pre-dental university education, followed by four years of dental school, and an additional two years of specialty training and practice in a university or clinical setting. Proper orthodontic treatment requires a separate knowledge and skill from […]

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What to Expect at Your First Orthodontist Visit

Your first orthodontist visit at Fry Orthodontic Specialists is free and a great way to meet the Fry team and doctors, and learn about the benefits of braces. During your first visit, our orthodontic specialists will provide you with information on the recommended treatment options (including clear and metal braces or Invisalign), cost, payment plans […]

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My orthodontic experience with braces

I did not have braces as a child, but waited until I was an adult to have orthodontic care. My teeth didn’t seem “horrible”, but I definitely had some areas that bothered me and that I wanted to improve. I chose clear brackets on my top arch, which were less visible than the traditional metal […]

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‘-The Tossing of the tooth-

Loosing teeth is a “BIG” event for any child around the world…it lets them know that they are becoming a big boy or girl. In the United States we have the tooth fairy, but there are many other beliefs and traditions around the world. In Japan and Korea, it is believed that tossing your bottom […]

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