Are you considering braces but wonder if they’ll affect how you speak? There’s no need to worry! Braces are becoming smaller and more comfortable with advances in modern technologies. You’ll barely notice they’re there!
At Fry Orthodontics, we’re committed to helping you reach your smile goals, which includes educating you about the benefits of braces and what to expect during treatment.
Here’s what you should know about braces and your speech.
Braces Need an Adjustment Period
When you first receive your braces, it may take a short time to get used to the look and feel of them. You may experience minor tenderness or sensitivity on your cheeks and tongue, making it slightly challenging to pronounce words or chew hard foods. This is completely normal! As your mouth adapts, you’ll be able to speak normally within a week or two.
In the meantime, you can practice your speech by reading out loud, singing, or engaging in more conversations.
The Benefits are Worth it
There are numerous benefits to having straight teeth and proper bite alignment. The position of your teeth and mouth are an integral part of how you speak. Misaligned teeth or gaps may cause a lisp, slur, or whistle effect during speech. As your teeth and jaw line up, you’ll be able to speak and enunciate better.
Not only is there a strong aesthetic component to straight teeth, but scientific research also shows that a beautiful smile improves your self-esteem, enhances the quality of your relationships, and improves your success at school and work.
Consider Removable Trays – Invisalign
If you’re worried about braces affecting the way you speak, ask your Fry Orthodontist if you’re a candidate for Invisalign.
The Invisalign treatment process uses a series of strong, flexible, removable plastic trays made especially for your mouth. They’re specifically designed to ensure gentle straightening over time.
Depending on the patient, treatment often takes less time than traditional braces because the clear aligners are changed every week.
So if you’re a teenager who needs to recite lines for the school play, or an adult with an upcoming business meeting, you can simply remove the trays beforehand.
Have More Questions?
At Fry Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy beautiful smile. At your free initial consultation, we’ll go over your smile goals, discuss what course of treatment can help meet your needs, and answer any questions you may have.
Schedule an appointment at one of our convenient office locations throughout the Kansas City area!