Dr. Jeremy believes productivity begins with the operational efficiency of treatment systems. They start almost all new patients in affiliated practices with GAC In-Ovation and general mechanics. Fry Orthodontics’ patient population consists of 75% children and 25% adults. Being the top Invisalign provider in the Midwest has also increased the amount of IVA cases Fry completes as well. According to Dr. Jeremy, Phase I patients only represent 10% of all starts in his practice. “There is no doubt that Phase I orthodontics is beneficial in certain limited situations.”
Being a father of three young kids, Dr. Jeremy started thinking about this treatment option in more practical terms. “It’s not easy to get kids to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it.”
Operational Efficiency Reduces Need for Phase I Treatment
Dr. Jeremy believes Phase I treatment rarely leads to an elimination of Phase II, especially since the comprehensive phase is where most of the work gets done. During this time, patients will have to wear elastics, brush around more braces, and so on. His goal is to keep the patient motivated to help achieve the long-term goal of getting the braces off as quick as possible with exceptional results. He argues that patients that go through Phase I treatment are usually harder to motivate when the second Phase comes around.
Another high percentage of patients that Fry Orthodontics treats are Phase II patients, which represent 35% of their patient base. After using appliances and realizing that treatment times were unacceptable, Dr. Jeremy noticed that similar results were achieved with Phase II elastics alone.
Self-Litigation Improves Treatment for Braces
Although Fry Orthodontics has many doctors from different educational backgrounds, they maintain the same clinical efficiency by their belief in self-ligation. Dr. Jeremy believes that brackets and wires are both extremely important tools, but not the key to efficiency. A simple, consistent, and systematic approach to patient care is what Fry Orthodontics has found to be most effective.
Dr. Bob Fry, father of Dr. Jeremy Fry, and founder of Fry Orthodontics, lectures all over the country on the benefits of light-force mechanics and their ability to treat cases quicker and more efficiently.
Statistics show that the average Class I crowded patient at Fry finishes treatment in 15 months, while Class II patients finish in 16 months. This treatment time is something that Dr. Jeremy and his associate doctors are all extremely proud of.