Fry Orthodontics is excited to announce the release of the My Invisalign mobile app! New from Align Technology, the My Invisalign app is available to Fry patients on iPhone and Android devices.
After helping over five million patients get a better smile with Invisalign, Align Technology is taking the next step in digital orthodontics by bringing a new experience to Invisalign treatment.
The My Invisalign app works to guide you through the process by providing a platform to share your experience with others, find answers, and achieve a beautiful smile.
Track Your Progress and Stay on Schedule
Tracking the progress of your orthodontic treatment is simple. My Invisalign is designed to provide information you need to stay accountable and on schedule.
Forgetting to change aligners on time can prolong your treatment timeline. Updating your personal treatment calendar helps you easily track your next aligner change and form a healthy routine. You can also set up reminders that notify you when it’s time switch your Invisalign trays, or when it’s time to book a check-up appointment.
Capturing a photo each time you change your aligners shows you how your smile is transforming from one week to the next, and the My Invisalign camera guides line up your smile consistently in each photo so you can compare them side-by-side.
Be Social
The My Invisalign app also lets you share your smile with friends and family.
After you change your trays, you can upload photos and comments to your personal treatment calendar, celebrate key milestones during the treatment process, and stay motivated with inspirational quotes.
You can also create time-lapse videos of your smile using each week’s photos, so your social network sees you shine. When those close to you are along for the journey, you get the support you need to achieve your best smile.
Discover a Beautiful Smile
With the My Invisalign app, you’ll become more involved in your own orthodontic treatment as you set out to discover a beautiful smile.
Get the motivation you need to transform your smile and your life while taking ownership of your treatment process.
My Invisalign keeps you informed and helps you find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have concerns during your treatment, you’ll find support from others in the Invisalign community.
A Better Experience
Downloading the My Invisalign app when beginning your treatment at Fry Orthodontics helps our staff provide you with a better experience.
By helping you stay motivated and disciplined during treatment, My Invisalign helps us provide fast and effective treatment so you get the results you want.
Your Smile is Just the Start
Ask about the My Invisalign app during your free consultation or next appointment and learn more about how it helps accomplish your treatment goals. Are you ready to get started? Download the app today for iOS and Android!