If you are a woman who can’t let herself go for an entire month and not shave those legs, wax, or attend monthly hair appointments, no worries! You can still support No Shave November in your own way! Every man in the world needs the support and encouragement the women in their lives can provide. Whether it be their mother, wife, daughter, grandmother, aunt, etc. So what better way to raise awareness for men’s health issues and provide support for the men growing their facial hair than to throw a party with all your closest friends and family!!! This November throw your very own MUSTACHE BASH!
This doesn’t have to be an expensive party. If you love to DIY then get crafty and make everything yourself! Pinterest has a lot of fun ideas for decoration, food, and even photo booth props! You can’t have a party with out a homemade photo booth! Get out your camera, or even your phone, and snap some pictures! Make a backdrop and let the fun begin!
There are so many different ways to support No Shave November. Share with us your creative ideas!! Don’t forget to share your photos with us on our Fry Orthodontics Facebook page. For every post and blog share, Fry Orthodontics will donate $1 to the No Shave November Foundation (up to $20,000). Now get out there and start planning your party!