Fry Orthodontics believes in staying on the cutting edge of technology when it comes to orthodontic treatment. All Fry locations are offering a new Digital Retainer Guarantee to all new and current patients.
Importance of Retainer Wear
Why do you need a retainer at all if your teeth are straight now? Simply put, the fibers in your teeth are stubborn, and your teeth have a memory and will constantly try to shift back into their original position. Fry Orthodontics wants our patients to have a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime, so it is essential to wear your retainer as directed. The key to lasting results is nightly retainer wear. Consistent use of your retainers effectively maintains the progress achieved after treatment and prevents teeth from shifting out of alignment.
Fry offers every patient one set of retainers upon finishing treatment to ensure their teeth stay in proper alignment. However, retainers don’t last forever! They get lost, broken, or even eaten by the dog! Replacement retainers can be very costly, especially if you’re someone who finds themselves back in the orthodontic offices frequently to get new impressions for another set of retainers.
What is the Digital Retainer Guarantee
With Fry Orthodontics’ new Retainer Guarantee (DRG) program, you will receive a one-time digital scan after braces or Invisalign treatment. We store your digital impressions, so it is available for reference whenever you need a new retainer. These retainers are custom-made by Invisalign and their patented plastic technology. They are thin, transparent plastic, designed to fit precisely over your teeth for enhanced comfort and convenience of removability. When you choose to join the DRG program, there is a one-time activation fee. You are also eligible for multiple sets of replacement retainers for $25 per retainer at any time!
Benefits of the Digital Retainer Guarantee
Although the traditional retainers are still a valuable option at all Fry offices – and one that will ensure the same results – the DRG brings forth a convenience factor like none other.
1. Faster and Effective Digital Imaging
That’s right! If you choose to sign-up for the digital retainer guarantee, you will no longer need to come into the office to have impressions taken of your teeth. Digital imaging provides the details needed for precision treatment through your custom-fit retainer.
2. Durable and custom fit for enhanced comfort
The retainers that are printed from the digital scans are 30% stronger than traditional retainers and twice as durable. This means they are less likely to get damaged or discolored and will have a more comfortable fit on your teeth reducing the risk of irritation. The retainers will even withstand teeth grind.
3. No appointment necessary
As long as no shifting has occurred, you can call the office at any time to get a new retainer mailed to you directly since we will have your digital scan on record. This is unlike traditional retainers which require you to visit an office for a mold each time you lose a retainer.
Fry Orthodontics wants to give you a stress-free experience at every stage. Click here to learn more about the Digital Retainer Guarantee, or call our office today at 913-469-9191 or 816-877-0050 if you’d like to sign up and schedule a free new exam.