The fashion industry is bored with perfection. Recently the most sought after models are gracing runways with off-beat looks, like tattoos, piercings, and gap teeth. Australian supermodel Jessica Hart (Victoria’s Secret) despised wearing an insert to disguise her gap teeth on modeling jobs. Now she gets more bookings with her natural smile. Mick Jagger’s daughter; Georgia May Jagger, signed a modeling contract with Hudson Jeans. Even Hollywood has taken to this trend with stars like Anna Paquin and Elizabeth Moss flashing their gap-tooth smiles.
The gap between the front upper teeth is unusual for high fashion models. However, back in the day when super models were just beginning to make a name for themselves Lauren Hutten had a front gap that made her famous. The gap is a unique look, an imperfection that attracts attention, causing a second look. That’s why it works well in advertising… it makes you more compelled to look at their product!
Has the aesthetically pleasing look of perfectly straight teeth made a u-turn? Or is this just another fad that will disappear. It seems that beauty is still in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of the trends, healthy teeth are always in style!! – Betty