Fry Orthodontic Specialists is proud to announce a new contest to win Throwing Lessons from Matt Cassel! A great local charity, Shadow Buddies has provided the opportunity for us to share the knowledge of our great Chiefs Quarterback. Shadow Buddies was created with the purpose of providing emotional support through education regarding illness, disability, or medical treatments. Shadow Buddies is truly an asset to the Kansas City community, and we are very happy to be a part of their great mission!
We will have 2 winners (each can bring one parent), and they will be picked up in a limo at our Overland Park office at 9:15am on Wed. July 25. You have only about a week to get entered!!
All Kansas City patients are qualified to win! Show your Kansas City Chiefs knowledge:
Write a response to this blog below. What I want to know is why this years Chiefs team is best situated to go to the Super Bowl. Your knowledge of players present and former to compare will win you points with the judges. Your excitement needs to come through. We will be in contact with Matt, and get his vote on the best. We will also have several Fry Orthodontics team members voting on their favorite response. SHOW YOUR CHIEFS PRIDE!
I can’t wait to read the responses!
Dr. Jeremy